History of Video Games

Combining Business With Pleasure: How Can You Make a Living by Playing Video Games?

The multi-billion dollar video game industry has grown from a simple hobby to one that provides gamers with lucrative prospects. The voyage started with the introduction of “Pong” in the 1970s, then came home gaming consoles and the emergence of online gaming in the 2000s, fueled by the Internet. The evolution has skyrocketed, and gamers can profit from their hobby…

PC Gaming How It Has Changed Over The Years

PC Gaming: How It Has Changed Over The Years

Gaming on your computer nowadays seems like a given, especially with the popularity of massively multiplayer online roleplaying games and online experiences like World of Warcraft and League of Legends. Despite its current state, not long-ago PC gaming was very different, and the genre popularities weren’t exactly the same. Through the years we’ve seen many games and gameplay styles flourish…